Etisalat Carrier & Wholesale today introduced its ‘eGlobe Interconnect’ service to the international telecommunications community who are meeting this week at ‘Carriers World’ in London. ‘eGlobe Interconnect’ is a new global interconnect capability and voice trading platform, which uses the high quality services of Etisalat’s international Points of Presence.
“eGlobe Interconnect makes it easier for international carriers to do business with Etisalat. We can now meet them closer in their home country with a quick and simple solution for exchanging international telephone traffic,” said Ali Amiri, Executive Vice President, Etisalat Carrier Wholesale Services.
Etisalat’s eGlobe Interconnect service will provide quick and simple interconnection with international mobile and fixed line carriers through multiple points of presence (PoP) around the globe to facilitate. Etisalat has already signed two agreements with international leaders in global voice trading - KPN and TATA Communications. Etisalat eGlobe Interconnect is also being extended to support all of Etisalat's subsidiary operators.
Etisalat Carrier & Wholesale Services operates within Etisalat’s existing business structure, offering a comprehensive portfolio of international services and broadband capacity to telecommunications companies and mobile operators across the Middle East and around the world. These services include voice, Internet and a complete portfolio of mobile and value added services branded as eVoice, eConnect, eMobile, eBroadcast and EMIX.
Today Etisalat is the largest carrier of voice traffic in the Middle East, terminating calls at over 600 destinations, with 118 direct connections.
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